Sri Lanka Association In Sweden

Membership Fees 2020 – Deadline Extended

Dear Member,

Kindly be notified that your membership payment for the year 2021 is due on 31st January.

  1. Please be informed that we have extended the payment deadline until 31st January this year and you are welcome to pay your membership fee by following the payment instructions provided below before this date.
  2. According to the country´s situation, we are uncertain whether we can conduct the AGM scheduled in February 2021. The next AGM will be held as we receive permission from the Swedish Government and the relevant authorities. Accordingly, the members will be informed when the date is realized.

While thanking you for your support extended to the association in the past, we are looking forward to your continued support in the future too by sustaining your membership at the association.

If you have already paid your payment for 2021, please ignore this notice instruction for payment.

Please find the instructions for payment below.





POSTGIRO: 949015-2


SWISH: 1235240734



Lanknat Silva



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