Sri Lanka Association In Sweden

Annual General Meeting

Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the association shall be held in February.

AGM must be announced at least one month prior to the date of the meeting.


During Annual General Meeting (AGM) candidates will be elected to following 15 Executive Committee positions.


Vice President


Assistant Secretary


Assistant Treasurer


8 Committee Members

During AGM following administrative positions will be filled.

Two Patrons

Two Auditors

Two members to review AGM minutes.

Two members to Election Committee.


Candidates who wish to contest for the post of President, Secretary and Treasurer must submit their nomination 2 weeks prior to  AGM. This is manditory.

Though it is optional, for remaining positions,  candidates are encouraged to submit their nominations.

The nominations shall be submitted to the secretary of the association.

Voting Rights

Members of Sri Lanka Association in Sweden, who have paid membership fees for the previous calander year are entitled for voting during AGM.
